• Who Would Get a Nobel for the Higgs Boson?

    Updated: 2012-07-31 11:28:49
    [The following is my review of The Infinity Puzzle: Quantum Field Theory and the Hunt for an Orderly Universe, by Frank Close. It appeared in the July 2012 issue of Physics World.] Since it opened for business a couple of years back, CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been confirming the ...

  • Lowenheim-Skolem and Constructive

    Updated: 2012-07-31 11:03:40
    Hi, Just curious as to wether the Lowenheim-Skolem theorem is constructive , in the sense that , while it guarantees the existence of a model of infinite cardinality -- given the existence...

  • Channel 4 Scholarship Programme

    Updated: 2012-07-31 10:40:02
    *Channel 4 Scholarship Programme* Here?s the deal. A five-year scholarship programme that?ll give you the chance to study part-time at University College London (UCL) towards a PhD. At the same...

  • What is the formula for the width of the potential box?

    Updated: 2012-07-31 09:55:51
    *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data* An excited electron (quantum number =4) in a 1D potential box de-excites to the ground state and emit a photon. This photon...

  • Star Formation Rate

    Updated: 2012-07-31 09:49:25
    How does one analytically estimate star formation rate in a plasma cloud? Could someone lead me to original references? Kennicutt-Schmidt Law, I guess, is empirical.

  • finding the variable of the equation?

    Updated: 2012-07-31 09:49:21
    I was just wondering if it is possible to find b in this equation? f(x,y)=result. where y=f(a,b). so the I guess f(x,f(a,b))=result. I know the actual value of x,a and result and it is...

  • From Time to Shape

    Updated: 2012-07-31 05:00:00
    Questioning the Foundations FQXi's 2012 Essay Contest Is Now Open Search FQXi show search help You can use the terms and or in your search or phrases are resolved first , then the and phrases . For example , searching for black hole and galaxy or universe will find articles that have the phrase black hole in them and also have either galaxy or universe in them . Please note that other search syntax like quote marks , hyphens , etc . are not currently supported . When you view web pages with matches to your search , the terms you searched for will be highlighted in yellow . hide search help Forum Home Introduction Terms of Use Order posts : by chronological order most recent first Posts by the blogger are highlighted in orange posts by FQXi Members are highlighted in . blue By using the

  • A Crinkle in the Wrinkle of Space-time

    Updated: 2012-07-30 22:25:31
    Albert Einstein’s revolutionary general theory of relativity describes gravity as a curvature in the fabric of spacetime. Mathematicians at University of California, Davis have come up with a new way to crinkle that fabric while pondering shockwaves. “We show that spacetime cannot be locally flat at a point where two shockwaves collide,” says Blake Temple, [...]

  • Introducing… the Particle Olympics!

    Updated: 2012-07-30 16:00:25
    With the 2012 summer Olympics underway, we at symmetry have just one question on our minds: Which particle would win which Olympic event?

  • Fermilab deputy director judges Google Science Fair

    Updated: 2012-07-27 19:24:00
    On July 23, Fermilab Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim joined 14 other scientists, science journalists and industry executives to judge the Google Science Fair in Palo Alto, California.

  • Physics doo-wop group’s last stand

    Updated: 2012-07-27 15:00:54
    At their final performance on July 21, it was apparent that the members of Les Horribles Cernettes, a physics-themed doo-wop group, loved every proton of the more than 500 people that packed the annual Hardronic Music Festival at CERN.

  • Endeavour crew members visit CERN to commemorate year of AMS

    Updated: 2012-07-26 20:32:45
    Five U.S. astronauts spoke at CERN Wednesday to celebrate a year of data-collection by the largest experiment in space.

  • Scenes from July 4: The discovery heard around the world

    Updated: 2012-07-26 16:26:53
    On July 4, CERN hosted a seminar to share the latest results in the search for the Higgs boson. Check out this collection of images from the historic day.

  • Going where the beam is good

    Updated: 2012-07-25 01:41:02
    A podcast about science careers, the end of the Tevatron, and why particle physicists are like surfer dudes

  • A little light (or rather, massive) Higgs music

    Updated: 2012-07-24 17:56:21
    Thanks to a few creative scientists, the recent discovery of a Higgs-like particle is music to more than just particle physicists’ ears.

  • Precious cargo: Dark matter experiment set to move underground

    Updated: 2012-07-23 21:10:59
    For the past two years, COUPP-4, a 4-kilogram bubble chamber experiment, has searched for signs of dark matter a mile underground at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Ontario. Now that experiment is about to get company – its big brother is moving in.

  • Can quantum theory be improved?

    Updated: 2012-07-23 15:10:01
    (Phys.org) -- Being correct 50% of the time when calling heads or tails on a coin toss won’t impress anyone. So when quantum theory predicts that an entangled particle will reach one of two detectors with just a 50% probability, many physicists have naturally sought better predictions. The predictive power of quantum theory is, in this case, equal to a random guess. Building on nearly a century of investigative work on this topic, a team of physicists has recently performed an experiment whose results show that, despite its imperfections, quantum theory still seems to be the optimal way to predict measurement outcomes.

  • How the Higgs can lead us to the dark universe

    Updated: 2012-07-23 00:31:53
    The media frenzy surrounding the Higgs discovery announcement has on the whole consisted of stories that reasonably accurately deal with the scientific implications. Journalists have for instance by now learned that “string theory predictions” are a good thing to ignore. … Continue reading →

  • Brian Greene on the Higgs Field: Mass Molasses of the Universe

    Updated: 2012-07-21 01:22:04
    : Education Physics Search Physics Basic Concepts Theories Experiments Share Free Physics Newsletter Sign Up Discuss in my forum Brian Greene on the Higgs Field : Mass Molasses of the Universe By Andrew Zimmerman Jones About.com Guide July 21, 2012 My Bio Headlines Forum RSS Follow me : on Facebook Twitter The Higgs boson is getting a lot of press since the July 4 CERN announcement that it may have been detected by the Large Hadron Collider but the boson is only part of the story . See , the real work isn't done by the boson itself , but by the Higgs field which theoretical physicist Peter Higgs proposed in 1964 as a means of explaining how the Standard Model of quantum physics could explain the mass shown by fundamental particles . The Higgs boson is just a physical manifestation of that

  • Most sensitive dark-matter detector constrains search for WIMPs

    Updated: 2012-07-20 16:47:14
    The XENON collaboration announced this week that they detected no signs of potential dark matter particles during the last 13 months. Their results will be used to narrow the search for the unseen particles that scientists think make up most of the matter in the universe.

  • The physics of running

    Updated: 2012-07-19 10:27:56
    Part of our video series on the science and technology of professional sport

  • The physics of cycling

    Updated: 2012-07-19 10:00:02
    Part of our video series on the science and technology of professional sport

  • The physics of swimming

    Updated: 2012-07-19 09:30:42
    Part of our video series on the science and technology of professional sport

  • Large Synoptic Survey Telescope nears final design phase

    Updated: 2012-07-19 01:00:47
    The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope just received another boost. The National Science Foundation announced today that it will advance the giant telescope to the final design stage.

  • Two New Experimental Results

    Updated: 2012-07-18 15:07:53
    Today brings news of two new experimental results, both consistent with the Standard Model: At the Higgs Hunting 2012 conference starting today, ATLAS reports results from the WW decay channel for the Higgs. At the July 4 joint announcement, CMS … Continue reading →

  • Beyond the Higgs: The Other Bosons

    Updated: 2012-07-16 00:44:53
    : Education Physics Search Physics Basic Concepts Theories Experiments Share Free Physics Newsletter Sign Up Discuss in my forum Beyond the Higgs : The Other Bosons By Andrew Zimmerman Jones About.com Guide July 15, 2012 My Bio Headlines Forum RSS Follow me : on Facebook Twitter With all the excitement about the Higgs boson it seems like a good time to think about the other bosons that we know about . The Standard Model of particle physics contains a total of four bosons not counting the theoretical Higgs These bosons are considered force carriers , because they communicate the three fundamental forces of physics that are explained by quantum physics . The bosons associated with these three forces : are Photon Gluon W Boson Z Boson There are four bosons because the W boson and Z boson work

  • Physics on Twitter

    Updated: 2012-07-10 00:24:10
    Education Physics Search Physics Basic Concepts Theories Experiments Share Free Physics Newsletter Sign Up Discuss in my forum Physics on Twitter By Andrew Zimmerman Jones About.com Guide July 9, 2012 My Bio Headlines Forum RSS Follow me : on Facebook Twitter Last week , I was honored to be listed among the top must-follow physicists on Twitter , as named by The Huffington Post s Science section While this was quite an honor , it did strike me that I should be keeping such a list myself and so here it is now : our Top Physics Feeds on Twitter I'm sure that this list will grow over time , but if you want to keep up on the list , then it's simple enough . just go to the AboutPhysics list page and subscribe directly to the Twitter lists that I maintain there As I add new physics resources on

  • First the Higgs, Next Supersymmetry?

    Updated: 2012-07-06 23:23:00
    : , skip to main skip to sidebar Friday , July 06, 2012 First the Higgs , Next Supersymmetry UPDATE : Hooper and Buckley's paper has been posted to the ArXiv and can be found here Though the discovery of the Higgs boson is less than a week old , scientists are already looking for the next important discovery to come out of Geneva’s Large Hadron Collider Since Wednesday , there’s been a flurry of papers posted to the ArXiv digging deep into the released data , looking for hints of new physics . Two researchers at Fermilab may have found just such a clue hidden in the behavior of the Higgs boson . Dan Hooper and Matthew Buckley at Fermilab , write in an upcoming paper that they’ve found evidence of the supersymmetric partner of the top quark in the decays of the Higgs boson . Scientists have

  • CERN The Standard Model

    Updated: 2012-07-06 08:04:48
    Home Sitemap Contact us this site all CERN CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Science About us Science Research The LHC People Recipe for a Universe The standard package Towards a superforce Missing Higgs Antimatter detectives Clues to the early Universe Dark secrets of the Universe Loose ends Secret dimensions Glossary The standard package The theories and discoveries of thousands of physicists over the past century have resulted in a remarkable insight into the fundamental structure of matter : everything in the Universe is found to be made from twelve basic building blocks called fundamental particles , governed by four fundamental forces . Our best understanding of how these twelve particles and three of the forces are related to each other is encapsulated in the Standard

  • Dr. Higgs, Your Boson Is Here

    Updated: 2012-07-05 23:26:44
    . , Education Physics Search Physics Basic Concepts Theories Experiments Share Free Physics Newsletter Sign Up Discuss in my forum Dr . Higgs , Your Boson Is Here By Andrew Zimmerman Jones About.com Guide July 5, 2012 My Bio Headlines Forum RSS Follow me : on Facebook Twitter Researchers at the Large Hadron Collider announced yesterday that they may well have found the long-sought after Higgs boson sometimes called the God particle , which is the final missing part of the Standard Model of particle physics . Theoretical physicist Peter Higgs predicted the existence of the particle back in the 1960's , but he was so far ahead of the technology that it took nearly half a century to actually get the first glimpse of the thing except , of course , for the glimpses that are all around us , if

  • Born on the Fourth of July?

    Updated: 2012-07-03 23:38:18
    Questioning the Foundations FQXi's 2012 Essay Contest Is Now Open Search FQXi show search help You can use the terms and or in your search or phrases are resolved first , then the and phrases . For example , searching for black hole and galaxy or universe will find articles that have the phrase black hole in them and also have either galaxy or universe in them . Please note that other search syntax like quote marks , hyphens , etc . are not currently supported . When you view web pages with matches to your search , the terms you searched for will be highlighted in yellow . hide search help Forum Home Introduction Terms of Use Order posts : by chronological order most recent first Posts by the blogger are highlighted in orange posts by FQXi Members are highlighted in . blue By using the

  • Quantum Diaries

    Updated: 2012-07-03 17:25:57
    Quantum Diaries Thoughts on work and life from particle physicists from around the . world Home About Quantum Diaries Latest Posts All Blogs John Felde UC Davis USA View Blog Read Bio Latest Posts 2012.03.05 Fast Photosensors for Neutrino Physics 2011.11.22 Recent Events at UC Davis 2011.11.09 First Double Chooz Neutrino Oscillation Result USLHC USLHC USA View Blog Read Bio Latest Posts 2012.07.26 If I could turn back time 2012.07.20 Higgs Dependence Day : The Nobel Perspective 2012.07.19 The Post-Higgs Hangover : where’s the new physics Frank Simon MPI for Physics Germany View Blog Read Bio Latest Posts 2012.07.04 Plus Two 2011.12.14 After the talk is before the talk 2011.10.24 Breathe Flip Tanedo USLHC USA View Blog Read Bio Latest Posts 2012.07.19 The Post-Higgs Hangover : where’s the

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